The Traumatic Injuries To War Veterans The current and past veterans of war have experienced profound physical and emotional injuries.
This is not a new or especially cogent observation, from the "Shell Shock" of world War 1
to the TBI {Traumatic Brain Injuries} of current conflicts there is a history of individuals experiencing profound physical and emotional injury, and with these injuries all the long-term aftereffects of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome {PTSD}, see wikipedia for a definition of PTSD:Post traumatic stress disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia PTSD is among other things a recurring and "hard wired" conditioned response.
the nervous system transmits signals that are constantly reinforcing pain and trauma, so that {I believe} the mind and body can't consciously differentiate in the present time, from the original trauma.
Often the pain and pain medication addiction syndromes that develop are similar to the ones we are addressing on this site.
In addition there is the change and grief the
returning veteran experiences, and the often
sense of betrayal, by military and current relationships,
and the scarce resources that exist for recovery
physical and emotional.
Thus a multivariate approach to treatment and treatment planning and the other tools we use for healing and renewal should also be useful for our veterans in need.
As well as a national, ongoing effort
to support, emotionally and financially,
our returning veterans and their visible
and invisible wounds.
written on 11/12/2013
| Chronic Pain and Pain Medication In the treatment of PTSD there are often still serious and painful injuries and sometimes multiple surgeries and a lengthy and difficult rehabilitation process.Pain Medication is absolutely essential over this period as determined by the patients and their physicians.
Pain Medication Addiction
Addiction to pain medication and dependency can sometimes be the outcome of even a successful initial physical intervention. The physical and psychological treatment of the initial injuries and PTSD can take a number of years.
Multivariate Diagnosis and Treatment
Thus, I would respectfully ask that where applicable, the ideas on this site of an individualized program for these pain syndromes be instituted or where ever already in place be funded at the highest level and priority for our brave men and women.
Helpful Links for Veteran's PTSD
-Wounded Warrior Project
-Serve the Warrior.Org
not all links stay active please search Veterans and PTSD on browser for more
links for help for our veterans, there are many and varied needs
to be met.
Give future generations a chance to see
how a caring society treats it's most at risk members.